60 Days to Transform Your Business  Financial Health

You've got the passion, the drive, and the dreams. Now, what you need is a solid workout plan for your wallet. No more running in circles, chasing after bills, or feeling the burn of financial uncertainty. It's time to confidently step into the role of CFO of your own business, once and for all.

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You rock at what you do.

But you didn't go into business because you lived for calculating profit margins. 

You were able to wing it for a while, but as your business has grown, so have your money management challenges.


Any of this sound familiar?

01. You're Struggling To Keep Up

Overwhelmed doesn't begin to describe it. You crave that crucial sense of order deep in your bones. You're ready for a plan that you can stick to and that serves you.

02. You Pay Yourself Inconsistently

Paying yourself is the last thing you do in your business...if you do it at all. You often feel overworked and underpaid. Sometimes you wonder if this entrepreneur life is even worth it.

03. You Feel Like You're Always Guessing

You struggle to figure out what the "right" amount to charge for your products and services is. You aren't sure what you can afford, or if you can hire. You'd love to stop winging it and get strategic but aren't sure how.

What does it mean to be financially fit?

Just like you need a regimen for your physical self to stay healthy, your business needs a financial health regimen to operate at its best.  

Being financially fit isn't just about having a lot of money; it's about building habits that serve future you. It means:

Know Where Every Dollar Goes: Being financially fit means you are ON IT. You know exactly where your money's going and why – like a pro at the wheel.

Guesswork Be-Gone: Financial fitness equips you with the knowledge to make smart, strategic choices. Whether it's investing in growth or cutting unnecessary costs, you've got data to help you.

Prepared is Your Middle Name: Being financially fit means you're not just surviving; you're planning and thriving. You're prepared for the ups and downs and have a clear vision for the future of your business.

Hustling Less: Being financially fit means working smarter, not harder. We use numbers to our advantage and let them do the work for us!

Paying Yourself More: No more being the last to get paid. Increasing your financial know-how always leads to more $$ in the bank.

Imagine that…

You Enjoy Looking at Your Numbers

Your money time is your favorite time of the week. You wouldn't miss it for the world!


You Pay Yourself Reliably and Well

No more scraps, it's time for you to get paid for your hard work. 


You're a Financial Boss

Guesswork be gone! You've got a plan and know exactly how to get where you want to go. No one can stop you (not even your tax accountant!)


“You are the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of your own business”

As a self-employed individual or small business owner, chances are you wear many hats. One of those hats is CFO (yes, EVEN if you have an accountant).  Gaining the skills to confidently make strategic financial decisions in your business will be an absolute game-changer when it comes to your financial health and wellbeing.




Financial Fitness Formula™ 

THE business finance program designed specifically for small businesses making $50k - $1M in revenue who are ready to make (and keep) more money. 

I'm Ready to Become My Own CFO


Shifting Money Mindset + Goal Setting

Before we jump right into the numbers, we have to decide where we're going and why. This module sets the foundation to help us think about money differently than we have in the past, and claim the future we want for ourselves!


Setting Yourself Up for Success as Your Own CFO

This week is all about foundation setting. If you think there are some key foundational concepts you might be missing, this will help you get up to speed. 

In this module, we'll also go through what you should and shouldn't be doing as the CFO of your own biz, and when it's time to outsource some of the financial grunt work so you can focus on what really matters.


Choosing Optimal Prices & Profit Margins

It's plug-and-play worksheet time! This week, we're diving deep into those numbers to determine how much you make off of each and every sale. If figuring out pricing and profit margins has been a head scratcher for you in the past, this week will be a game-changer! 

You'll learn your custom formula for pricing that takes the guess work out of deciding what to charge for your products or services.


Managing & Prioritizing Costs

It's time to talk about costs...but NOT the way you're used to! We're going to take a detailed look at the costs in your business and figure out what to cut, reduce.

But don't worry, this isn't a "slash and burn" budgeting approach. I'll show you how to make decisions based on rules of thumb and expected return on investment without needing to keep up with a detailed budget (because who has time for that?). 


Planning for and Maximizing Profit

Now that we've optimized our profit margins and prioritized our costs, we should be seeing our bottom line growing. But what exactly do we DO with this profit?

This week you'll use my proprietary PROFFIT Plan methodology to create a custom plan for your cash. When you're done, you'll have a fool-proof system that will help you pay yourself more, invest back in your business for growth, save for the future, give to causes you care about AND have a little fun (because if we can't have any fun...what's the point of all this anyway?).  


Creating Sustainable Habits

Let's be real. We can do allllll the work in the world on our finances one time, but how are we going to make sure we don't end up back where we started?

The answer is easy...habits. This week we're going to talk about the science behind habit building, and what financial habits to do weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually to stay financially fit. 


Forecasting the Future

This week is about putting it all together to build a clear vision of how to get where you want to go. You'll customize the plug-and-play 5-Year Forecast Template using the numbers from the previous weeks to see what the future could hold. Plus, you'll use the scenario analysis feature to help you make key financial decisions for your biz.

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The results you can expect:

A Plan You Can Stick To

No more "one size fits all" financial planning. You are unique, and you need a plan you can stick to! We teach you how to customize your PROFFIT Plan to your own needs, goals, and personality!

No More Guesswork

Gone are the days of wondering whether you can afford something, or how to price your new products or services. You've got the tools you need to make those decisions with ease. 

Confidence for Days

You'll understand yourself better, create new habits that serve you, and overall be a total money boss. Your friends and family will wonder what the heck got into you (in the best way!)





“[FFF] is the single best thing I've ever done for my business next to starting it.”

From the very first spreadsheet, I was doing cheers for the course and telling everyone to get on the waitlist. I don't know how I made it this far without everything I've learned.




If you want to REALLY understand your business finances and have a rock-solid plan for the present AND future, FFF is a game changer!!!

I would also say it will be the best money spent. Self-education is VITAL to success...and FFF will get you there!


Alecia saw quick results

"Jamie Trull's course will have you in a much better place financially in just a few weeks! It is so worth the money!"


Nancy turbocharged her profit

"When I wrapped up Financial Fitness Formula™ I felt a huge sense of relief, my profitability skyrocketed. In the first quarter of the year...I've made more than I did last year."


Yvette feels like a totally different person

Yvette was able to work less and spend more time with her daughter while making more money than before after FFF. Going through the program gave her critical insights about profitability and allowed her to choose her cases more wisely. She's no longer intimidated by financial jargon and has stopped claiming that "lawyers don't know numbers"!


View More Stories of Transformation


Hi! I’m Jamie Trull, your personal $$ trainer on this journey.

Financial Literacy Coach and Profit Strategist, Hamilton superfan, enjoyer of a glass of Cabernet with a good book, and — if you like — that very someone to help guide you on your financial fitness journey.

I’m a self-professed numbers nerd and I've got the credentials to prove it. I have a Bachelor’s in Analytical Finance and a Master’s in Accounting. I’m a CPA with 10+ years of experience working in Finance Leadership for one of the biggest brands in the world. Plus, I've been an entrepreneur since 2017 when I began my Virtual CFO business.

In other words, I know a thing or two about business finances. 

I live and breathe to help get more economic power in the hands of those who deserve it.

And my #1 mission is to see more entrepreneurs not just surviving, but THRIVING in both their professional and personal lives. 

Because the more you understand the financial side of your business, the more you can use it to transform not only your own pocketbook, but also the world around us. 

This program is for you if...

You're a small business owner making $50k-$1M in revenue

You're ready to make a positive change in your finances

You're committed to taking action

This program is not for you if...

You are looking for an overnight fix

You are down to your last dime

You're not willing to put in the work to get a return on your investment

Ready to work together?

Join the 2024 Class

*Disclaimer* No Guarantees As To Results. As set forth more fully in the Disclaimer, you agree that the Company has not made any guarantees about the results of taking any action, whether recommended on this Website or not. The Company provides educational and informational resources that are intended to help users of this Website succeed. You nevertheless recognize that your ultimate success or failure will be the result of your own efforts, your particular situation, and innumerable other circumstances beyond the control and/or knowledge of the Company. You also recognize that prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Thus, the results obtained by others - whether clients of the Company or otherwise - applying the principles set out in this Website are no guarantee that you or any other person or entity will be able to obtain similar results.